Popular Twitter #Hashtags for #Politics

There is no better twitter tool to spread your political oriented tweets than #hashtags. The liberal use of these tools will get you listed with a larger, interested audience quickly. I will be updating this post with additions as I find them. I would love to get your comments to help build the list.

#obama - obvious
#gov – Refers to the government in general.
#politics – Use when referring to politics in general.
#president – Refers to the President of the United States.
#whyivote – Why you’re passionate about voting this election season.

#dems/#dem – Democratic Party. Use to advocate for or show disapproval of the party.
#gop – Republican Party. Use when either showing support for or criticizing the GOP.
#votedem – Include in posts in which you want to encourage others to ‘vote Democrat.’ Don’t know of the GOP equivalent (try ‘#vote #gop’).

#icon- (independent conservative)
#p2 – Progressives/Progressives on Twitter. Use when either supporting or disparaging this group (same follows for those below).
#ocra Organized Conservative Resistance Alliance
#socialism/#socialist – For referring to socialism and/or socialists.
#tcot – Stands for ‘Top Conservatives on Twitter.’ This one is particularly popular, with updates coming every few seconds.
#teaparty – You got it, the Tea Party movement.
#tlot – ‘Top Libertarians on Twitter.’
#topprog – ‘Top Progressives on Twitter.

Races by State:
#(state)gov – Use in posts referring to a state’s governor’s race. For example, #cagov (California governor’s race).
#(state)sen – Similarly, use when referring to a particular state’s senate race: i.e., #casen, #aksen, #desen (California, Alaska, and Delaware senate races, respectively).

#biggov -
#energypolicy - debate about US energy policy
#economy/#finance/#taxcuts – In reference to the economy and/or tax cuts (i.e., the ‘Bush Tax Cuts’ issue currently taking precedence in the media and on the political front).
#hcr – Refers to health care reform

Many of these on the initial list come via @MatthewBachmann Article @ Down the Street


Unknown said...

You can also find a daily update on the most used hashtags related to the 2012 election on our Twitter account at http://twitter.com/2012twit

We also post the number of followers, mentions and retweets added each day for the top candidates. It is a great way to get an early read on who's in the lead.

amardkcihc for winabled said...

thank you very much ! your info was

"to the point"

to help me with the issue i expected :)

So, you qualify to be win-abled & bFree

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. I'm a Twitter newbie and needed this clarified. Best, RogueOperator1