There is no better twitter tool to spread your political oriented tweets than #hashtags. The liberal use of these tools will get you listed with a larger, interested audience quickly. I will be updating this post with additions as I find them. I would love to get your comments to help build the list.
#obama - obvious
#gov – Refers to the government in general.
#politics – Use when referring to politics in general.
#president – Refers to the President of the United States.
#whyivote – Why you’re passionate about voting this election season.
#dems/#dem – Democratic Party. Use to advocate for or show disapproval of the party.
#gop – Republican Party. Use when either showing support for or criticizing the GOP.
#votedem – Include in posts in which you want to encourage others to ‘vote Democrat.’ Don’t know of the GOP equivalent (try ‘#vote #gop’).
#icon- (independent conservative)
#p2 – Progressives/Progressives on Twitter. Use when either supporting or disparaging this group (same follows for those below).
#ocra Organized Conservative Resistance Alliance
#socialism/#socialist – For referring to socialism and/or socialists.
#tcot – Stands for ‘Top Conservatives on Twitter.’ This one is particularly popular, with updates coming every few seconds.
#teaparty – You got it, the Tea Party movement.
#tlot – ‘Top Libertarians on Twitter.’
#topprog – ‘Top Progressives on Twitter.
Races by State:
#(state)gov – Use in posts referring to a state’s governor’s race. For example, #cagov (California governor’s race).
#(state)sen – Similarly, use when referring to a particular state’s senate race: i.e., #casen, #aksen, #desen (California, Alaska, and Delaware senate races, respectively).
#biggov -
#energypolicy - debate about US energy policy
#economy/#finance/#taxcuts – In reference to the economy and/or tax cuts (i.e., the ‘Bush Tax Cuts’ issue currently taking precedence in the media and on the political front).
#hcr – Refers to health care reform
Many of these on the initial list come via @MatthewBachmann Article @ Down the Street
You can also find a daily update on the most used hashtags related to the 2012 election on our Twitter account at
We also post the number of followers, mentions and retweets added each day for the top candidates. It is a great way to get an early read on who's in the lead.
thank you very much ! your info was
"to the point"
to help me with the issue i expected :)
So, you qualify to be win-abled & bFree
Thanks a lot. I'm a Twitter newbie and needed this clarified. Best, RogueOperator1
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