The Obama Dilema

I really want to like and support President Obama. He is obviously very bright and articulate. He seems like a really nice guy too. I am a supporter of Clean energy and Green Building initiatives. I am generally for substantial health care reform. However, I did not like the stimulus package and it's focus on both propping up state and local government payrolls and expanding federal government agencies and bureaucracy. I do not like more regulation and expanded government in any form. I am against raising taxes. I am against wealth redistribution and I think the administrations efforts to resolve banking, lending and housing issues have been poorly executed with banks the only winners. I am also for states rights and against federal over reaching. So, I just don't know where to go with this. Government is more often the problem than it is the solution, and the increase in Government spending is unsustainable without much more focus and growth in the private sector. In the end, I have the same dilemma that most Americans who are Independent and/or in the Center Politically have. We just aren't sure if we love him or hate him, yet.

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