The War on Drugs and the Cost of Vice

Travon Free takes a look at the War on Drugs-- is it worth losing? The legalization of prostitution, drugs, and sports gambling could bring in a huge profit in taxes and help regulate the often dangerous industries. Watch and tell us what you think in the comments below!

Stop the War on Drugs:

Show Airs: Brain Food Daily airs every Monday-Friday at 9 AM (PST.)

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Every day, Brain Food Daily brings you a news story that the other guys aren't talking about. Through man on the street interviews, sketches, notable guests and a cast of fresh funny hosts, BFD lets you know about the stories that are a Big F'ng Deal.


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Showrunner: Steve Elliott
Showrunner: Allan Broce
Line Producer: Tobey List
Coordinating Producer: Alexandra Cuerdo

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