Yesterday Governor Huntsman unveiled a bold reform agenda that will rejuvenate our economy and restore trust in our nation’s institutions of power, from Washington to Wall Street.
- Ends corporate welfare and crony capitalism by eliminating every last subsidy and special interest carve-out in our 17,000 page tax code, while lowering rates across the board.
- Deals honestly with our historic debt by cutting spending and reforming entitlements, using the Ryan plan as a basis of reform.
- Ensures no financial entity is too-big-to-fail by breaking up the big banks on Wall Street.
- Adopts a comprehensive energy strategy that frees us from foreign oil.
- Streamlines regulations in order to create a free, fair and competitive marketplace.
- Brings our troops home from Afghanistan, while leaving behind an appropriately-sized counterterrorist presence.
- Enacts congressional term limits and lobbying reform to curb the influence of special interests and stop the revolving door between Capitol Hill and K Street lobbying firms.
The immediate reaction has been fantastic:
- NY Times' Michael Shear: Huntsman: "We don’t need a lobbyist in chief. And we don’t need a panderer in chief "
- NH Union Leader: Huntsman At NH Town Hall Meeting - Leaders Must Rebuild Trust
- Boston Globe: Huntsman's Closing Argument for NH Primary
- Business Insider: Huntsman: "The people are getting screwed in this country"
- Human Events: Huntsman Lays Out Free-Market Plan to End Crony Capitalism
That’s just a sampling. Our website traffic and online donations are also spiking upwards. Now we need your help to keep the momentum going.
First, please share this email with your friends, family and co-workers. Encourage them to visit our website and learn more about Gov. Huntsman’s bold solutions for America.
Then if you have not yet donated, or can afford to do so again, please make a donationof $25, $50, $100 or the maximum amount of $2,500 online within the next 24 hours. Help us elect the candidate the New York Times says has the best chance of defeating President Obama next November: Governor Jon Huntsman.
Proud to stand with Jon Huntsman,
Matt David
Campaign Manager
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