A Critical Swing Voter's Plan to Lower the Debt

This Independent swing voter (who will decide the 2012 election) would propose to take the best from both plans in order to up the anti.

Using both the GOP and the presidents target number of $4 trillion dollars as a control. I would take the general idea of large entitlement reductions through radical program revision, larger than the current GOP proposals. I would lower the threshold age to 50 years old and under. I would include substantial corporate tax reform/reduction including the elimination of loopholes. I would not take away the deduction for home ownership as this would add insult to injury in our home value crisis. I would raise individual taxes on ALL Americans to Pre-Bush levels and use that revenue to accelerate the buy down to a $4 trillion dollar reduction in 5 years. I would not make cuts to the military budget because the current true context of our world involvement would make budget reductions ridiculous, and guarantee over-run and later additional requests for funding. I would include some targeted investment for education, all energy source development and new technologies.

As bullet points:
  • Reduce the deficit by $4 Trillion in 5 YEARS
  • Large cuts and Reform to entitlement programs
  • Lower threshold age to 50 for impacts
  • Eliminate Tax Loopholes / Lower base corporate rates
  • Return Tax rates for ALL AMERICANS to pre-Bush rates
  • No false promise to reduce defense costs
  • Some target investments for americas Future
So there's the Outline Blueprint, frankly more detailed than Obama's Plan.

Please do comment! This Independent would like to know what you think.


1 comment:

James H Lewis II said...

Still not a fast enough reduction. We need an overall reduction in spending. Pullout of all engaements. Shutter 1/3 of all installations globally. Reduce entitlement spending federally. Give each state a federal subsidy then the rest is on them. Eliminate a series of departments. Education etc. Decriminalize the drugs. Hence shrinking police,Feds,DEA,TSA and prisons. These are just a few of the examples of how extreme this needs to be. If the current power group BOOMERS don't do this the Gen X'ers will