Obama's Economic Mistakes must be Stopped

This is Obama's Economy. Admittedly, he did inherited a serious problem, however, the basic financial bailouts that stabilized the crisis situation were in the works before his inauguration and not of his creation or control. Moving forward, the ill structured stimulus plan focusing on propping up unsustainable government jobs was his creation, and will be his legacy. The continuing increase rather than decrease in unemployment (the facts are different from his spin) is on his hands. Obama's programs and agenda and their destabilizing and demoralizing impacts have prevented a more robust natural cyclic rebound. It is the perfect storm. The wrong policies at exactly the wrong time. We need to develop confidence in PRIVATE business and economic development. We need less tax and less government, not more unsustainable government growth. No matter how slick Obama's domestic and International personal appeal, he is exactly the wrong guy at the wrong time. We need to eliminate the potential for more mistakes and the resulting negativity and move for confidence building change now. Throw the Dems out of Congress.....please!

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